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Majorca and London This Week

RX64 TXJ - Sa ComaTipping trailer 014 Sa ComaThis week and next we are delivering to multiple venues across Majorca. Added to this we have multiple other jobs going on across the UK. This week alone has seen us deliver into the following venues… Earls Court, Fountain Studios, Wembley Arena, Leicester Square, Old Sorting Office, Roundhouse Camden, Westfield Shopping Centre, Royal Albert Hall, Park Lane Hotel, Cardington Hangers.

By |November 1st, 2014|Event Transport|Comments Off on Majorca and London This Week

New Euro 6 Trucks

This month and next we are taking delivery of  2 new tractor units.

These have the latest Euro 6 engines in and will enable us to run into all European cities operating emission zones.

They were supplied by MAN Cordwallis Reading and as usual their service has been fantastic.

RK14 ERJ - Barn

By |August 15th, 2014|Event Transport|Comments Off on New Euro 6 Trucks

Delivering into Edinburgh Castle

This week we are delivering several loads into Edinburgh Castle in preparation for the upcoming events.

RK14 ERJ - Edinburgh

Delivering into Edinburgh Castle

By |August 13th, 2014|Event Transport|Comments Off on Delivering into Edinburgh Castle

RJT Delivers into Britannia Stadium for Rod Stewart

This morning our driver Jimmy Jones delivered into Britannia Stadium Stoke ahead of Rod Stewarts show on Saturday 14th June. IMG_0956IMG_0959IMG_0958

By |June 12th, 2014|Event Transport|Comments Off on RJT Delivers into Britannia Stadium for Rod Stewart

Jamesons deliver for Download Festival Donnington

IMG_0952 IMG_0953Jamesons deliver their first load into the Download Festival at Donnington.



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